We found 4 episodes of TechSNAP with the tag “open source”.
426: Storage Stories
April 3rd, 2020 | 31 mins 17 secs
a cloud guru, andoird, block device, cloudfare, crypto, debian, device mapper, devops, dm-crypt, dm-zoned, encryption, exfat, filesystems, firmware, free software, fud, google, jupiter broadcasting, kernel module, linux 5.6, microsoft, networking, ntfs, ntfs-3g, nvme, open source, paragon software, raid, samba, samsung, seagate, security, shingled magnetic recording, smb, smr, ssd, sysadmin podcast, techsnap, ubuntu, western digital, windows, wireguard, zfs, zoned storage, zonefs
We take a look at Cloudflare's impressive Linux disk encryption speed-ups, and explore how zoned storage tools like dm-zoned and zonefs might help mitigate the downsides of Shingled Magnetic Recording.
424: AMD Inside
March 6th, 2020 | 28 mins 19 secs
a cloud guru, amd, apple, broadcom, chrome, chromium, cloudflare, cpu, devops, dns, dns over https, doh, edge, encryption, energy, epyc, eset, firefox, google, https, intel, iphone, jupiter broadcasting, kr00k, krack, let's encrypt, linux academy, memory encryption, microsoft, microsoft edge, mktme, mozilla, nextdns, open source, performance per watt, power consumption, security, sgx, sme, ssl, sysadmin podcast, techsnap, tls, tme, tsme, vpn, web security, wifi, wireless, wpa2
Cloudflare recently embarked on an epic quest to choose a CPU for its next-generation server build, so we explore the importance of requests per watt, the benefits of full memory encryption, and why AMD won.
416: I.T. Phone Home
November 15th, 2019 | 27 mins 56 secs
archival, business, chromium, cloud key, cold storage, communication, devops, glass, jupiter broadcasting, linux, long term storage, microsoft, microsoft edge, microsoft ignite, open source, optical media, optical storage, parity, project silica, security camera, superman, techsnap, telemetry, the mote in god's eye, ubiquiti, unifi, unifi controller, video, wifi, zfs
Ubiquiti's troublesome new telemetry, Jim's take on the modern Microsoft, and why Project Silica just might be the future of long term storage.
411: Mobile Security Mistakes
September 6th, 2019 | 29 mins 38 secs
amd, android, app security, apple, benchmarks, cpu load balancing, devops, epyc, exploit chain, exploit market, google, ios, ipc, iphone, jailbreak, jupiter broadcasting, libxpc, linux, malware, mobile, mobile apps, mobile security, numa, open source, privilege escalation, project zero, security, sysadmin podcast, techsnap, thunderbolt, usb, usb power delivery, usb-c, usb4, v4l2, video4linux, webkit, zeroday, zerodium
We take a look at a few recent zero-day vulnerabilities for iOS and Android and find targeted attacks, bad assumptions, and changing markets.