We found 2 episodes of TechSNAP with the tag “zabbix”.
407: Old School Outages
July 10th, 2019 | 42 mins 31 secs
amd, benchmarks, bgp, bgp leak, cloudflare, cpu, deployment, devops, ecc, epyc, facebook, google, grafana, infosec, intel, internet, internet infrastructure, librenms, logging, logs, metrics, microsoft, monitoring, nagios, netdata, nrpe, observability, old school, opennms, outages, performance, prometheus, regex, riemann, rkpi, ryzen, server, server builds, sysadmin, techsnap, time series, verizon, xeon, zabbix
Jim shares his Nagios tips and Wes chimes in with some modern monitoring tools as we chat monitoring in the wake of some high-profile outages.
Episode 365: The Unfixable Exploit
April 24th, 2018 | 38 mins 54 secs
atlanta ransomware, balena, chrome 66, docker, fresco logic fl2000, moby, nintendo switch, rtl-sdr, shofel2, spoofing cell networks, symantec ssls, sysadmin podcast, techsnap, tegra x1, vmware vulnerabilities, zabbix
Hardware flaws that can’t be solved, human errors at the physical layer, and spoofing cellular networks with a $5 dongle.