We found 2 episodes of TechSNAP with the tag “nvme”.
426: Storage Stories
April 3rd, 2020 | 31 mins 17 secs
a cloud guru, andoird, block device, cloudfare, crypto, debian, device mapper, devops, dm-crypt, dm-zoned, encryption, exfat, filesystems, firmware, free software, fud, google, jupiter broadcasting, kernel module, linux 5.6, microsoft, networking, ntfs, ntfs-3g, nvme, open source, paragon software, raid, samba, samsung, seagate, security, shingled magnetic recording, smb, smr, ssd, sysadmin podcast, techsnap, ubuntu, western digital, windows, wireguard, zfs, zoned storage, zonefs
We take a look at Cloudflare's impressive Linux disk encryption speed-ups, and explore how zoned storage tools like dm-zoned and zonefs might help mitigate the downsides of Shingled Magnetic Recording.
415: It's All About IOPS
November 1st, 2019 | 34 mins 29 secs
4k random writes, benchmarks, crucial, dd, devops, disk benchmarking, disk cache, disk performance, fio, flash storage, flexible io tester, fsync, hard disk, hard disk drive, iops, jupiter broadcasting, mlc, nvme, phoronix test suite, queue depth, raid, rsyslogd, samsung evo, samsung pro, sandisk, slc, solid state disks, spinning rust, ssd, ssd cache, ssd controller, ssds, syslog, techsnap, test your pain points, throughput, tlc, trim, write endurance
We share our simple approach to disk benchmarking and explain why you should always test your pain points.