We found 3 episodes of TechSNAP with the tag “ipsec”.
403: Keeping Systems Simple
May 10th, 2019 | 46 mins 32 secs
availability, cryptography, devops, dhcp, disaster recovery, ethernet, firewall, high availability, ipsec, kubernetes, layer 3, lfnw, linux, mesh network, openvpn, quantum computers, reliability, router, rpo, rto, security, simplicity, ssh, subspace, switch, sysadmin podcast, tcp, techsnap, tinc, tunnel, udp, vlan, vpn, wintun, wireguard, zinc
We’re back from LinuxFest Northwest with an update on all things WireGuard, some VLAN myth busting, and the trade-offs of highly available systems.
Episode 390: What’s Up with WireGuard
November 22nd, 2018 | 34 mins 55 secs
algo, devops, ipsec, jim salter, linux, networking, private networking, security, ssh, sysadmin podcast, techsnap, vpn, wireguard
WireGuard has a lot of buzz around it and for many good reasons. We’ll explain what WireGuard is specifically, what it can do, and maybe more importantly, what it can’t.
Episode 384: Interplanetary Peers
September 21st, 2018 | 37 mins 14 secs
alpine linux, cloudflare, content-addressable storage, data breach, decentralization, decentralized storage, devops, dnslink, docker, filecoin, filesystems, government payment service, govpaynow, hacktoberfest, interplanetary filesystem, ipfs, ipns, ipsec, javascript, magecart, newegg, orbitdb, payment systems, peer-to-peer, podcast, sysadmin, vpn, wd my cloud, western digital
Jon the Nice Guy joins Wes to discuss all things IPFS. We'll explore what it does, how it works, and why it might be the best hope for a decentralized internet.