We found 1 episode of TechSNAP with the tag “block device”.
426: Storage Stories
April 3rd, 2020 | 31 mins 17 secs
a cloud guru, andoird, block device, cloudfare, crypto, debian, device mapper, devops, dm-crypt, dm-zoned, encryption, exfat, filesystems, firmware, free software, fud, google, jupiter broadcasting, kernel module, linux 5.6, microsoft, networking, ntfs, ntfs-3g, nvme, open source, paragon software, raid, samba, samsung, seagate, security, shingled magnetic recording, smb, smr, ssd, sysadmin podcast, techsnap, ubuntu, western digital, windows, wireguard, zfs, zoned storage, zonefs
We take a look at Cloudflare's impressive Linux disk encryption speed-ups, and explore how zoned storage tools like dm-zoned and zonefs might help mitigate the downsides of Shingled Magnetic Recording.